Friday, January 22, 2016

Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened by Allie Brosh

I followed Allie's blog back in the day, and was dismayed when she stopped posting. I was then very happy when she came out with the book, but never got around to reading it until now, when my friend Cory lent me it.

I remember a lot of stories from her blogs, with smatterings of new stories. Her blog stories are refined with added notes and a sense of finality to them that was missing from her blog. I laughed out loud several times, and my favorite illustration out of the entire book is when she is describing depression, and there is a picture of Allie with her grey hoodie on, tied up around her face, slumped down on the couch with the biggest mean frown. Seriously, that panel describes much of my life. I could put that picture on a t-shirt if I could.

I have a few favorite stories but the Goose story (with actual video/pictures included) takes the cake. The reference to the urban legend about the serial killer in the backseat and how she sometimes freaks herself out so much that she has to pull over and checks the back seat was a direct flashback to the times I pulled over and checked my own backseat because I freaked myself out. The panels showing the goose peering up into the... viewfinder? rearview mirror? I don't know what it's called, like the serial killer she (we) always envisioned made me laugh out loud.

I also loved the comics with the Helper Dog and Special Dog. The blurbs of the Special Dog thinking in shapes is exactly what I picture when I look at my own cat, Nacho. Beans is nowhere near as mean as Helper Dog, but just as savage. Their thought bubbles is so on the nose in how I think they would talk if they could speak.

Her stories about describing depression and not feeling anything has been lauded by psychologists, therapists and those who have depression everywhere, stating that it is the most accurate way to describe the disorder. As someone who has been depressed, but doesn't suffer from chronic depression, it was a good way to see how someone with depression feels, or doesn't feel, all the time. It allowed me to attempt to see it through their eyes, and try to be more empathetic to my friends that were suffering from it.

Allie Brosh is such talented writer and an illustrator. It takes real talent to intentionally draw so terribly but convey so much. She's hilarious, and her insight is profound in how millennials think and act.

Her blog has not been updated since 2013, and to my knowledge, is not working on a second book. Her fans speculate what happened to her and knowing that she deals with depression, hope that she's OK. I could hum and hah over what happened or what she's doing now, or even presume what she's going through but I have no idea. Like the rest of her fans, however, I hope she's doing well and seeking happiness in whatever she's doing.

I hope she one day writes another book with all new comics and stories. She could make the drying of wet paint seem funny, with her iconic stick figure (with the yellow triangle as her ponytail... so great) is ingenious.

 Go read her blog if you have not done so already. I would also check out her book when you get a chance.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Which is Better? Vampire Academy

I remember when the trailers for this movie came out, and rolling my eyes at it. I wasn't going to pay to see that movie, and it looked dumb anyway! Was it satire? Were they trying to appeal to twilight fans who desperately needed a fix of vampires? How is this movie a thing?

Vampire Academy came and went, and I thought no more of it until it showed up on my Netflix a few weeks ago. I was home alone, after a long day of work, and decided to indulge myself.

And you know? It was really entertaining.  I was sort of surprised it wasn't a bigger hit since there were a few comic book movies that were just as good as this one that did relatively ok at the box office. I googled, as we all do, on our phones when we want to know more about what we are watching, and I realized that it was a book (though the more I googled, the more I remembered that it was a series that I also rolled my eyes at when it came out) and that it was part of a series.

Were they going to make a sequel? I had to know.

Well, unfortunately, it bombed at the box office. The movie was funny, satirical and made exclusively for the teenage girl. AKA, the kiss of death. It's hard enough to market a movie that is satirical (isolating audiences, etc.) but one that was made for the teenage population? The teenage girl population, a part of the female population that the market never takes into consideration anyway? I'm surprised it was made at all.

It was heartbreaking the gofundme that was created to try and make the sequel failed. I hope it becomes a cult classic, like other movies that bombed at the box office,  and a sequel is made in the future, but since the fandom of teenage girls are often pushed to the side in favor of male nerdom, I'm not holding my breath.

So, as for the comparison of the movie and the book? The movie was great and it doesn't take away from the book at all and vice versa. I can see why the changes were made. For example, it's much more dramatic to have the cuts appear on Lissa's arm rather than her hurt herself after she tries to heal an animal or a person.

I also liked how the movie shot from the hip, much like the book, in telling the audience the world in which the book is written in. Within the first 20 minutes, you understand Dhampirs, Moroi, Strigoi and Guardians. You miss the other backstory, like the complicated relationships between Dhampir women and Moroi men along Dimitri's backstory that changes Rose's perception of "blood whores" but there was no way that could be fit into the movie.

There is more excitement and action in the movie with more appearances of Strigoi in the beginning, which was missing in the book. It didn't necessarily take away from the book that it wasn't in there, but it shows the differences of art and the interpretation of the story through different mediums.

However... Richelle Mead... what were you thinking with the title? I think the title, "Vampire Academy" was also the kiss of death when it came to the movie. It's just an awful title, and anyone who didn't know the book (like myself), would immediately write off the movie as some head of corporate who has no idea how to market to youngsters and was desperately trying to recreate the Harry Potter and Twilight craze. It might not have been your choice, but whoever had final say in the series title needs to be chastised severely. It might have been more successful if the title was different.

Anyway, I strongly recommend to go watch the movie if you have a night where you're in the mood for something funny and silly. It's cute, it's all about girl power and female friendship and there are vampires. What's not to like? Grab a glass of wine, watch it, and then go buy the book for some added fun.

Monday, January 18, 2016

DC Mondays: Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Tynioin IV, Williams II, Colwell

Yes, you read that right. My husband handed me the comic book (along with lots of other goodies) and said, 'it's actually really good.'

He and I normally have the same tastes in comic books, so I took that as an endorsement, despite the ridiculous and almost spoof like cover of Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the front cover in almost retro illustrations.

We are also almost mostly a Marvel family. It's not by conscious choice that we mostly read Marvel comic books, but the husband buys comics, and they are mostly from Marvel. I was surprised that he bought a few D.C comics (including Supergirl!) and I was excited to read them.

I am a huge fan of TMNT growing up. I loved the TV show and I LOVED the movies. Michelangelo was my absolute favorite (Funny guy? Loves pizza? Of course he was!) and I just loved the camaraderie between the 4 brothers and the guidance from Master Splinter. Shredder terrified me and every week I hoped they would beat him.

Now, do you want to know a sad, but kind of funny story? As you all know, I'm HOH, and always, I have captions on the TV. Now almost all the programs have captions and it's pretty easy to access them. However, growing up, not so much. Splinter and Shredder sound an awful lot alike (at least to someone whose aids were not very strong and couldn't hear the soft sounds of "Sh"), and for a while, I was so confused to why the show named the villain and the father-figure the SAME name with the exception of putting "Master" in front of one of them. I really thought there was something else going on, or there was some psychoanalysis the writers were attempting with a 8 year old.

Anyway, back to the comic.

I really enjoyed it. The combination of Batman, (who, btw, is such a gloomy sad sack character, isn't he? Like, man, get into some therapy, please. You can afford it.) and the Ninja Turtles, just work. The story opens to Ninjas robbing a lab and the Ninja Turtles crash the robbery and saves the lab. One of the workers tells Batman, who thinks that the Turtles are the ones robbing the labs with parts. He predicts the next robbery and plans to go stop them.

The story turns to Killer Croc, who stumbles onto the Ninja Turtles' hideaway. The two get into a confrontation, and it's slowly revealed that the Ninja Turtles are confused to why they are in Gotham City.

It's a great comic, and I'm excited to read more of them. It's silly but well done. I love the pairing and gives Batman some needed mood change.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (or, this was definitely written during the Twilight Craze)

What a stupid name for a novel. What a stupid name for a first book in the beginning of the series, a series that I'm excited about reading. Yes, I know the title is pretty self-explanatory, yes, it is a vampire school and yes, I know it's written for YA, but damn... does it have to be so on the nose? Even Twilight has a semi-alluring name that doesn't really give the entire book away and make you roll your eyes (you probably do anyway because of the content), but whoever thought Vampire Academy was a good title needs a slap or two.

I'm quite sure that's why the movie didn't do so well, but that's for another post.

Vampire Academy is told through the eyes of Rose, who is a dhampir (half-vampire, half-human) and is training to be a guardian for the Moroi, the "good" vampires to defend them against the Strigoi, the "bad" vampires. The story opens with Rose and Lissa on the run from the "Vampire Academy" or rather, the school's guardians. They have been on the run for 2 years, moving around and attending high school across the U.S. Now, the probability that adults, who have superpowers, are unable to find children, is quite low, but I buy into it because within the first 10 pages, they are caught by a dreamboat of a man and bought back to school and the story kicks up.

Vampire Academy is a perfect blend of showing and telling, telling the reader without preamble about the vampire culture and history in the book and Mead shows the rest, revealing the mystery why the girls ran away layer by layer, until it all comes to a head in the last 50 pages of the book. I love how Mead picks her battle, choosing instead to show characters instead of the world of Vampire Academy.

There is also your typical highschool drama with friends, popularity and finding oneself that are recurring themes in a lot of YA novels. It was silly, but with a name of Vampire Academy, the reader should expect it. It's also kind of fun to relive from afar a time where navigating the social sphere is the bane of your existence. It also wrestles with rumors, friendships and loyalty and Mead actually turns the book from a fantasy YA novel into almost a guide for girls starting high school, which, honestly, needs to be more of.

I love the relationship between Lissa and Rose. They are fiercely devoted to each other and even though it's almost easy to slide into resentment (I mean, becoming a Guardian must absolutely blow), both Rose and Lissa shake it off, using their love and friendship for each other to conquer all. Even when they have a falling out, Rose comes to Lissa's rescue and the pair are thick as thieves again by the end of the book. Lissa isn't helpless by any means and the pair rely on each other socially and emotionally.

Finally, I also like how Mead resolves, or puts a period on the blossoming relationship between Dimitri and Rose. There is attraction between the pair, and they even get hot and heavy during one point of the book, but when it is all resolved, Dimitri actually encourages Rose to report him. There is a huge age gap between the two and it's addressed repeatedly in different ways and conclude that Rose and Dimitri will not enter in a forbidden romance, which is a relief. I wonder how it's going to play out in the rest of the books.

One last little tidbit of the book that I was unsure of, but I was glad that Mead went in the direction she did. The idea of "blood whores" or dhampir women who have affairs with Moroi men. They live in different communities, and there is an awful reputation surrounding them due to the fact that Moroi men sleep with dhampir women and then go home to their Moroi wives. When Rose brings it up while training with Dimitri, he casually tells her that he grew up in such a community and the worst part was his dad, a Moroi, coming to visit them. It opens Rose's eyes a bit more to the vampire world and suddenly, the "blood whores" stance isn't so black and white.

I have a lot of other books to read (Star Wars! The Martian! 11.22.63! The 5th Wave! Comics!), so I don't know when I'll be able to read the second book in this series. This year is already amping up to be a busy year in books, so I'm excited!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Something Random: Review of Dove's deodorant Dry Sprays

Alright, let's take a break from our usual scheduled program to do a review of Dove Dry Sprays sent to me by Target and Influenster. It was complimentary, to review and to do what I wanted with it. Hey, it's free, it's something I always wear and use, so why not? My husband took an immediate liking to posting pictures on facebook and reviewing the Men's dry spray, even taking silly pictures and thanking Influenster for thinking of him.

Now, dry sprays are not something new, but they are gaining popularity in the U.S. All of my international friends use dry sprays and it was all I could find when I studied abroad and each time I visited my friends.

I have a love/hate relationship with antiperspirant. I sweat a lot and it's doubly embarrassing for a girl to sweat as much as I do. It seems that nothing I do seems to fix it, (including all the high strength stuff). It's not so much the look of it anymore, but it's more of the uncomfortableness of sweating that much over the course of the day.

I wish I could say Dove Dry Spray fixed it, but I don't think there is a fix for it. However, using a combination of regular antiperspirant and the spray over top of it holds off the sweat a little while longer before it starts, is a little added bonus.

I really like the scent, and it disappears slowly throughout the day, which is also nice. There are some deodorant/antiperspirants that leave a terrible scent behind and it gets even worse when mixed in with your sweat throughout the day. It also blends really well with my lotion and perfume.

Finally, I like how it goes on the skin which is an added bonus for the summer. Some invisible dry solid deodorants leave residue or balls up, which can be embarrassing.

I'll keep using it! Thanks Dove for the sprays!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Which is Better? AKA Jessica Jones and Alias

Wait, AKA Jessica Jones was based off this comic book? Did the script writers read the comic book, toss it to the side and thought, 'no, we can do better?' Or they thought, 'hey, let's take the most uninteresting things about the comic book, toss the rest aside that makes it great, and put other characters in because, well, we're sooo creative and naturally, what we come up with is far more riveting than Alias?' Because that's what the show felt like.

AKA Jessica Jones has been critically acclaimed and raved about, but honestly? I thought it was just OK. Not the worst thing I've ever watched (I'm looking at you Chappie. You abomination.) Now that I've read the beginning of Alias, I've realized that the tone and the mood doesn't transfer over into the show. There are also quite a few terrible things they added, like Ruben and... what was her name? Rylie? Rudder? Rumplestiltskin? and Malcolm, who, let's be honest, had the most thankless character arc ever. Not to mention they rewrote the entire story to where it's almost unrecognizable. There are bits and pieces of the show that I appreciated, and recognised what they were trying to accomplish, but it fell flat. Especially standing next to the comic book.

Even Jessica Jones' hair is different! Which, ok, it's not a big deal. I mean, hair is hair, but did they keep the black hair because it's Krysten Ritter? It would have been interesting to see her have a hair change, but maybe she's butt ugly with red hair... who knows? But it felt to me that black hair was to on the nose with how "dark" the show was.

What I also noticed most about the show was how... cheap it looked. Now, I don't mind low budget movies, and honestly, sometimes creativity can be a wonderful thing that actually adds to it. However, when you notice that even the makeup looks awful in certain lighting (really... there was a defining line between her makeup and her neck, not to mention her skin looked yellow), and your husband points out that the high profile lawyer's office is incredibly bare, and not in a minimalist way, but in a oh-shit-we-have-no-money way, it's a problem. I don't set out to watch a movie to look for makeup flaws and bare settings but it smacked us in the face. It was so low budget that it couldn't even be covered up.

Now, Josh and I have different theories on why it looked so low budget and I think it's a mixture of both of them. I think some of it was intentional, or tried to be. In the comic book, at least in the first volume, she's mostly on the streets, investigating. She's just in tee-shirts and jeans, and only twice does she demonstrate her super powers. It seems like they tried to carry that over to the show. I also think they spent a lot of their money getting Carey Ann Moss, David Tennant, Krysten Ritter and Mike Colter on the show. Josh thinks that most of the budget for the Marvel TV shows were blown with Daredevil, which had a lot of really remarkable shots and stunts and they none left over to shoot Jessica Jones. Man, I hope they are able to film the Luke Cage one (which btw, was one of the best parts about the show).

So, verdict? I haven't read all the comics, so I would have to update as I read them. However, it's a shame that AKA Jessica Jones didn't use much of the story line with Alias, because it would have been neat to see, even if it was just the Rick Jones, sidekick stuff. So far? Read Alias... and I guess see the show if you want to know what everyone else is talking about and you want in on the convo...  but you didn't miss much.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Marvel Mondays: Jessica Jones: Alias 1

To be honest, I was a bit nervous reading the comic book. I saw the show, and I wondered if the book would directly reflect the netflix show (to varying degrees of success). My husband told me that it was a dark comic book series, and he wasn't sure if I would like it or not. However, BAE still bought it for me for Christmas for my blog! Thanks bae! 

I actually really enjoyed it. It was gritty, but I liked the idea of Jessica Jones on the peripheral, abandoning her cape and seeking to try and carve out a normal life. Sure, she's a private investigator, which has her associating with the dredge of society, but it seems like she can hold her own. Her powers are not really played up here, with the exception of her holding her own in a fight (and removing a man's arm from her collar, full strength). There are characters in the comic that are desperate to associate with anyone who has powers, and Jessica falls victim to this several times during the course of the story. 

There are lots of appearances of other, very well known characters in the comics, such as Dare Devil, Captain America and Powerman. I would have liked to see more of their relationship, but I have a feeling there is going to be more of that later on. The story line is political,  with a lot of foreshadowing. It's done very well and it leaves you with the same confusion Jessica feels, but doesn't leave you frustrated that you have no idea what is going on. 

Comic book illustrations and artwork doesn't get a lot of credit, I feel and sometimes, even comic book illustrators don't use their entire toolbox to convey the story at hand or they are refrained from doing so. Gaydos does and his illustrations take on a 90s grunge theme. It's perfect for the atmosphere of the story at hand. He doesn't waste colors either, and reverses light versus dark theme. He uses brighter colors during scenes where she is reflecting on her past as a masked superhero, a time in her life that she would prefer to bury deep, but everyone else glorifies it, wondering why she decided to stop. Gaydos uses darker colors when she is wading through her crisis and detective work, something that she enjoys doing, but everyone else puts down, especially since they deem her worthy of doing more, like becoming a superhero. 

I also love how it's mapped out, and the panels are easy to follow in Alias. My favorite part is when she listens to clients, and artistically, the scene should be very boring. They are sitting at a desk and the client is talking, while Jessica listens. However, the panels go back and forth, depicting the client talking, and Jessica smoking a cigarette, listening but unmoving. Nevertheless, Gaydos conveys that she's on her guard, studying the person, thinking about whether to take the case, or whether it's all bullshit. 

I can't wait to read the rest of the series!